Saturday, April 14, 2012

My first post...

So anyway, this is my first post I guess...I'm not really sure what to say other than, READ MY UPDATES, and POSTS, and EVERYTHING ELSE!  Seriously,  I'll try to post everyday.  I hope this blog can be uplifting for some, and a bucket of laughs for others.  But seriously, if you are already laughing...I dunno what to say.  Anyway, to close out this amazing first post, this is a quote from one of my teachers, and I thought it was a pretty smart thing to say. 

Christian education is not teaching you what to think, as much as how to think.
-Joanna Hensley

Thanks for reading, hope you're not falling asleep!
~Psych out~


  1. Cool Lindz! I'm looking forward to a good laugh as well as some nourishing nuggets. Thanks for including me :)

    love, Aunt Mere

  2. Looks Great Lindz!... (I love the little tag thingy that says "as for me and my blog we shall serve the lord :D... Micah, add it to chatboxenabled!! :P... With Credit of course ;) )

    1. Thanks Asher! Yeah I thought that banner was pretty cool. It's kinda tricky to add to the HTML, but with my techy awesomeness, ya know... : )
