Monday, April 16, 2012

Dentist Office - House of Torture

I was just at the Dentist Office...UGH.  Basically I fail at brushing my teeth, so I had a cavity in my upper right tooth.  I went to the office to get it filled and get sealants on my other three teeth.  The sealants went fine, but then came the filling.... >_<  I now hate drills, and things that go "buzz" and talkative dentist people that think its all fine and dandy when my mouth is on FIRE! (lol)  Anyway, eventually they numbed me.  Now I can't feel my nose or right side of mouth... >_>  Finally that is over, and I am inspired to ALWAYS BRUSH.  and ALWAYS FLOSS.  and NEVER AGAIN HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT. :P  Now my parents are happy I went through that...They say I will be inspired..  :|  Ok, I'm done complaining... : )
To finish off, a short, but TOTALLY TRUE dental quote : )

Some tortures are physical
And some are mental,
But the one that is both
Is dental.
~Ogden Nash

~Psych out~

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