Monday, April 23, 2012

Postmodern Times

Today as we enter the twenty-first century, a new worldview is emerging. The “modern,” strange as it is to say, has become old-fashioned. The twentieth century, for all of its achievements and catastrophes, is passing into history. The “modern ideas” that characterized the twentieth century no longer seem relevant. We are entering the “post modern” age.
The term “postmodern” primarily refers to time rather than to a distinct ideology. If the “modern” age is really over, Christians have every reason to be glad. Ever since the battles between “modernists” and “fundamentalists” (and before), Biblical Christianity has been bludgeoned by the forces of modernism, with its scientific rationalism, humanism, and bias against the past. Today the assumptions of modernism, including those that have bedeviled the church in this century, are being abandoned. Christians can rejoice at the dawn of a postmodern age.
While Modernist attacks on Christianity are losing their force, postmodernists are attacking Christianity on different grounds. For example, modernists would argue in various ways that Christianity is not true. One hardly hears this objection anymore. Today the most common critique is that “Christians think they have the only truth.” The claims of Christianity are not denied; they are rejected because they purport to be true. Those who believe “there are no absolutes” will dismiss those who reject relativism as “intolerant,” as trying to force their beliefs on other(20) people. Postmodernists reject Christianity on the same grounds that they reject modernism, with its scientific rationalism. Both Christians and modernists believe in truth. Postmodernists do not.
                                                                         ~Gene Edward Veith Jr. (Postmodern Times)

Postmodern Times is an excellently written book by Gene Edward Veith Jr.  It compares the times that we are in now (the Postmodern), and years ago (the Modern).  I'm reading it for my omnibus class along with 16 other students.  I really appreciate the work that Veith has put into this book b/c these are the times that we are growing up and living in.  Now-a-days, it is difficult to combat the ways of the world.  That is to say that we should shun all that is in the world, but this instead means we should be in the world, but not of the world.  The ways of the world will tempt us until the day we die, but we are not without hope!  I was reminded of this during my times at Track practice.  The conversations range from boys, to prom, to piercings etc...  It is something that makes me sad for the girls that I play with.  They can be the nicest people on the outside, but never know the love and truth of Jesus.  The tricky thing is reaching out to them, but not getting caught up in the lure of the world.  This is the postmodern. 

Seeing the world, from my little corner makes me appreciate the life I have lived, and all that I have been given.  I been blessed with a Christian home, family, parents, and Jesus.  I have been protected, not in a bad way, but from the dangers of sin, at a young age.  I have been given a wonderful youth pastor and youth group.  I have the best friends in the earth, who aren't afraid to show me where I've done wrong.

That is just to name a few.

I think I'm out of thoughts... At least for now.

~Psych out~

Saturday, April 21, 2012


Just had a rockin' Psych party last night with some friends.  We stayed up 'till midnight watching different episodes.  It was tons of fun!  There was pineapple all around : )
Micah and Asher, Psych beats Doctor Who any day :D

BTW, (for those who don't know), Psych is a TV show on USA about a "psychic" detective and his partner...

~Psych out homies!~

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Behr's birthday!

~For those of you who don't know, Behr is my 1 year old chocolate lab~

Well today is Behr's birthday.  This would be completely normal, except for the fact that we celebrated his birthday 8 days ago.  Evidently, we had looked at his information wrong, b/c we though it said April 11.  So April 11, we celebrated, gave him a cake, and generally made him feel special.  Then today, I wake up to laughter, and my little sister running into my room yelling "It's Behr's birthday today!!"  I thought I had gone back in time.

Anyway, Happy birthday Behr!
~Psych out~

Monday, April 16, 2012

Science Joke

I just read this hilarious joke in my science book of all places.  Hope it makes you laugh :D

Sherlock Holmes and his faithful companion Dr. Watson go on a camping trip.  They find a beautiful spot and set up their tent.  After a full day enjoying nature, they go to their tent and fall asleep.  Some hours later, Holmes wakes up Dr. Watson and says, "Look up at the sky and tell me what you see."  Watson is awestruck.  After a moment, he says, "I see countless stars."  Mr. Holmes replies, "What does that tell you?"  Watson considers for a moment and says, "It tells me that the universe is vast, and it will probably take us several lifetimes to gain even a small amount of understanding as to how it functions and what our place is in it."  Mr. Holmes asks, "Anything else?"  Mr. Watson thinks for a moment and says, "Based on the position of the stars, I would say it is approximately two o'clock in the morning."  Once again, Mr. Holmes asks, "Anything else?"  Desperate now, Watson replies "Because the sky is so clear, we will probably have a beautiful day tomorrow."  Once again, Mr. Holmes asks, "Anything else?"  Frustrated, Mr. Watson says, "I can't think of anything else.  What does it tell you?"  Holmes is silent for a moment ans says, "Elementary, my dear Watson.  Someone has stolen our tent."

I got a bucket of laughs out of that : )
~Psych out~

Dentist Office - House of Torture

I was just at the Dentist Office...UGH.  Basically I fail at brushing my teeth, so I had a cavity in my upper right tooth.  I went to the office to get it filled and get sealants on my other three teeth.  The sealants went fine, but then came the filling.... >_<  I now hate drills, and things that go "buzz" and talkative dentist people that think its all fine and dandy when my mouth is on FIRE! (lol)  Anyway, eventually they numbed me.  Now I can't feel my nose or right side of mouth... >_>  Finally that is over, and I am inspired to ALWAYS BRUSH.  and ALWAYS FLOSS.  and NEVER AGAIN HAVE TO GO THROUGH THAT. :P  Now my parents are happy I went through that...They say I will be inspired..  :|  Ok, I'm done complaining... : )
To finish off, a short, but TOTALLY TRUE dental quote : )

Some tortures are physical
And some are mental,
But the one that is both
Is dental.
~Ogden Nash

~Psych out~

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Worship Night

Just came back from a worship night at our church.  It was a great time of ministry, and Christ.  We sang a song called "When You Move" by Steve and Vikki Cook.  I really loved the chorus and thought I'd share it:

For when You move our lives our changed
We know a taste of Heaven here
We're crying out for more of You
Lord, come and move

Alright, I'm going to bed now... :P
~Psych out~

My first post...

So anyway, this is my first post I guess...I'm not really sure what to say other than, READ MY UPDATES, and POSTS, and EVERYTHING ELSE!  Seriously,  I'll try to post everyday.  I hope this blog can be uplifting for some, and a bucket of laughs for others.  But seriously, if you are already laughing...I dunno what to say.  Anyway, to close out this amazing first post, this is a quote from one of my teachers, and I thought it was a pretty smart thing to say. 

Christian education is not teaching you what to think, as much as how to think.
-Joanna Hensley

Thanks for reading, hope you're not falling asleep!
~Psych out~